Wednesday, 17 October 2018


Last Friday, the spanish students had the visit of the pediatrician-nutritionist, Miguel Angel Fuentes, former student of the College. Through slides he explained to us the evolution of the research work that has been carried out on the advantages and disadvantages of some foods.

He concluded by saying that each person according to their age, physical activity or environment in which they live, will need a different diet.

It was an interesting talk and the children participated with their questions and doubts.

Italian students are working on healthy habits:) 

Our friends from Italy had an amazing day! 

During this week, all the students of La Inmaculada School (Spain) are working on the importance of having good eating habits and hygiene and the need to practice sports, through different workshops of healthy habits.


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Last week younger students from Poland had a visit from a beekeeper, who told them all about the health benefits of honey. They even had a chance to taste it:))